Saturday, 31 May 2003
o I said I'd finish that Vegas update, but I never did. I still might cuz there's a couple of pics I got to show still. I'll let you guys know in a new update if I update the old one. Not a whole lot has gone on for me since I got back, but a lot of stuff sure has been going on around me!! I guess I'll tackle them in chronological order.
Jenny graduated and got her masters degree. Now she is my master. I suppose she always has been, really. After all, she was a major factor in my decision to switch away from the writing major at UCSD! Now she's venturing off into the "real world" for real this time, as opposed to the times after high school, and college, where I'm sure the commencement speeches talked alot about venturing off into the real world, but she really ventured off into more school :) Congratulations, Jenny!
Congratulations are also in order for my good friends Zac and Karen, whose first baby, Rebecca Grace was born on May 22, 2003. Zac and I have known each other since we were 11 years old, and it would have been impossible to imagine back then that 14 years later we'd still be friends and that one of us would be holding the other's baby in their arms. She's simply enormous, and at 10 pounds, is as big as I was after one week as I was at 3 months! I wanted to get pictures, but of course, my dumb ass brought a digital camera with no memory card over to their house.
I had the pleasure of being able to feed her from her bottle, which is something I'd never done before with any baby. Mentally I was scrambling to find the "F1" help key, because I was completely clueless, but the experience reinforced my desire to have children. I guess it's time for me to start searching for a wife. Or at least start searching for a girlfriend, which is something I haven't had the desire to do in several years, but it would seem to be a prerequisite to having children, at least if I plan to do things the way they normally happen.
And finally, congratulations are in order for my roommate of three years, my good friend of at least twice that long, and my anchor who is always there to keep my feet firmly on the ground they call "reality", Cami. Although she didn't get to fully enjoy her period of unemployment the way she envisioned, lounging next to the swimming pool which ended up being closed for renovations the entire time, she landed herself a killer new job which I am sure will be a million times more stable, fun and challenging, as well as offering better benefits, more upward mobility, and of course, more pay when compared to her old job. Here's to looking at unemployment as an opportunity rather than a setback!
So between all the advanced degrees, child births and positive career moves all going on around me, it would seem to me about time I kick my life in to high gear. An expression that kinda doesn't make sense, since if you're cruising along at some speed, usually you'd downshift into a lower gear to bring the revs up to accelerate faster, but whatever.